
Be a Sponsor!

For four years Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Monterey High School has offered students a course in which students build and learn about Robotics, Engineering, Science and Technology.The district is very supportive of  Robotics Engineering programs and is working hard  to provide the Robotics students with the materials they need to perform at a higher level of excellence. Still, It is quite costly to field a FIRST robotics team. Team members volunteer at local events and participate in community events as part of fundraising to close the gap between what exists and what is needed. We have been most fortunate to have support from parents, former students, school organizations such as PTSA, generous community members, local (and not so local) businesses, FIRST sponsors and major corporations.Through your donation, we will be able to passionately pursue this and other engineering challenges and give students a better chance to connect to the future's most high demanding and paying jobs.

If you wish to contribute to this cause, or want more information, please contact the Robotics and Technology teacher, Mr. Robin Coyne, at 831-392-3801 or cell (831) 601-1921
or email: rcoyne@mpusd.k12.ca.us
Please make checks payable to Monterey High School Robotics Team

Thank you from the RoboDores!

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